Love : Histoire d’un sentiment


Source : PUF

Barbara H. Rosenwein, Love. Histoire d’un sentiment, PUF, 2023


Nous ne saurions donner un sens à l’amour sans l’aide de la fiction, de récits façonnant des sentiments qui, sans cela, seraient trop envahissants, trop incohérents, trop insaisissables pour être apprivoisés. Car l’amour est une émotion complexe, aussi énigmatique qu’extatique, et qui recouvre tout un éventail d’émotions et de jugements moraux.

Puisant dans la poésie, le roman, les lettres, les mémoires et l’art en général, et avec l’aide de quantité d’illustrations, l’historienne Barbara H. Rosenwein explore les cinq grands fantasmes qui ont construit notre imaginaire amoureux : l’accord parfait, l’extase transcendante, l’obligation, l’obsession et le désir insatiable. Chacune a une histoire longue et complexe, dont les effets se font encore sentir aujourd’hui dans l’idée occidentale de l’amour. Mais aucune ne nous dit la même chose sur ce que l’on peut attendre d’une relation amoureuse.

The Renaissance of Feeling : Erasmus and Emotion

Source : Bloomsbury

Kirk Essary, The Renaissance of Feeling : Erasmus and Emotion, Bloomsbury, 2024.


Offering a re-reading of Erasmus’s works, this book shows that emotion and affectivity were central to his writings. It argues that Erasmus’s conception of emotion was highly complex and richly diverse by tracing how the Dutch humanist writes about emotion not only from different perspectives-theological, philosophical, literary, rhetorical, medical-but also in different genres. In doing so, this book suggests, Erasmus provided a distinctive, if not unique, Christian humanist emotional style.

Demonstrating that Erasmus consulted multiple intellectual traditions and previous works in his thoughts on affectivity, The Renaissance of Feeling sheds light on how understanding emotions in late medieval and early modern Europe was a multi-disciplinary affair for humanist scholars. It argues that the rediscovery and proliferation ancient texts during the so-called renaissance resulted in shifting perspectives on how emotions were described and understood, and on their significance for Christian thought and practice. The book shows how the very availability of source material, coupled with humanists’ eagerness to engage with multiple intellectual traditions gave rise to new understandings of feeling in the 16th century.

Essary shows how Erasmus provides the clearest example of such an intellectual inheritance by examining his writings about emotion across much of his vast corpus, including literary and rhetorical works, theological treatises, textual commentaries, religious disputations, and letters. Considering the rich and diverse ways that Erasmus wrote about emotions and affectivity, this book provides a new lens to study his works and sheds light on how emotions were understood in early modern Europe.


Table of Contents

Introduction: Erasmus and the Intellectual History of Emotion
1. Comic and Tragic Feeling: The Emotions of Classical Literature
2. Bind this Proteus: Transforming the Ancient Philosophy of Feeling
3. Biblical Emotions I: Affective Theology and the New Testament
4. Biblical Emotions II: Stomachs, Strings, and Synecdoche in the Psalms
5. Passionate Preaching: Affective Rhetoric in the Pulpit
6. Epistolary Emotions: Authenticity, Exile, and Consolation
7. ‘Always Breathing Tragedy’: Luther and the Violent Emotions

Epilogue: ‘Philistines Foaming at the Mouth’

A Matter of Feeling? Recent Perspectives in the Study of Emotions


source : Einstein Forum

A Matter of Feeling? Recent Perspectives in the Study of Emotions

International Conference
Donnerstag, 1.2. – Samstag, 3.2.2024

Also streamed Live via Zoom. Please register here for

Day 1: Thursday, Feb. 1
Day 2: Friday, Feb. 2
Day 3: Saturday, Feb. 3


Conception: Rüdiger Zill, Potsdam
with Rob Boddice, Tampere; Fritz Breithaupt, Bloomington; Josef Früchtl, Amsterdam; Valentin Groebner, Luzern; David Konstan, New York; Eva Menasse, Berlin; Glenn Most, Pisa/Chicago; Catherine Newmark, Berlin; Barbara Rosenwein, Chicago; Christian von Scheve, Berlin; Philipp Stoellger, Heidelberg; Christiane Voss, Weimar; Tiffany Watt Smith, London

Twenty years ago, when we started our series Passions in Cultures, emotions were at best one topic among many for researchers. Today it is ubiquitous in academia, having received increasing amounts of attention in both the sciences and the humanities. What is the current state of research on the theory of emotions? Can we identify key developments, discoveries, and syntheses that have emerged in the last two decades? Are there feelings that have received special attention? Did the methods used for studying the history and theory of emotions change? Has the field borne out the expectation that it is particularly well-suited for – or in need of – interdisciplinary approaches? Are there specific studies considered paradigmatic? Did the kinds of questions raised over the years change? Have recent developments in politics and society influenced the subjects that researchers have chosen to pursue? Are there signs that researchers are becoming exhausted with the subject? Which questions need considering now?


Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024

19:00 Eröffnung / Opening
Eva Menasse, Berlin
Das eitle Ich. Lesung aus »Alles und nichts sagen«

Friday, Feb. 2, 2024
Rüdiger Zill, Potsdam
Once More with Feeling. Introductory Remarks

David Konstan, New York
Emotions across Times and Cultures

Catherine Newmark, Berlin
»Things got emotional…« On Historical Cycles of Interest in Feelings and Passions

13:30 Lunch break / Mittagspause

Valentin Groebner, Luzern
Nostalgie als historischer Bastelbogen

Barbara Rosenwein, Chicago
Theories and Methods. How Medievalists (and Others) Write the History of Emotions

Tiffany Watt Smith, London
Stolen Feelings in an Age of Consent. Projection, Intimacy and Historical Trespass

Philipp Stoellger, Heidelberg
Gewalt der Gefühle und gefühlte Gewalt. Zur Verschränkung und ihren Eskalationen

Saturday, Feb. 3., 2024
Rob Boddice, Tampere
Transdisciplinary Implications of a Biocultural Consensus in Emotion Research

Christian von Scheve, Berlin
Gefühle auf dem Prüfstand. Zur Streitbarkeit von Emotionen in gesellschaftlichen Konflikten

Josef Früchtl, Amsterdam
It Needs an Art of Translation. Critical Theory and Feelings

13:30 Lunch break / Mittagspause

Christiane Voss, Weimar
Gastlichkeit als Szene der Affektpolitik. Eine medienphilosophische Perspektive

Fritz Breithaupt, Bloomington
Narrative Emotions in the Age of ChatGPT

Glenn Most, Pisa/Chicago
Final Commentary


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