Call for papers – “Norbert Elias, Emotional Styles, and Historical Change”

Norbert Elias, Emotional Styles, and Historical Change

An Interdisciplinary Collaboratory

ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Change Program

University of Adelaide 14-15 June, 2011

Call for Papers


1. Conceptualization

This is an international Collaboratory on the historical development of emotional styles in

Europe and North America from medieval times to the present. The meeting will focus on the

seminal ideas of the sociologist Norbert Elias about changes in emotions and society in his

The Civilising Process (1939) and his work more generally. Contributions are sought from

historians, sociologists, cultural theorists and others working in the field of the history of

emotions, and may take the form of substantial historical essays or theoretical papers

discussing alternative models and interpretations to those of Elias.

Besides making substantive contributions to historical knowledge, the Collaboratory will

address two important theoretical issues:

– what are the drivers of change in Western societies’ emotional regimes?

–  what is the role of collective emotions in socio-historical change?

These questions have been chosen because of their intrinsic importance and their salience for

sociologists and anthropologists, as well as historians and students of law, media, politics and


2. Date and Venue

The Collaboratory will be held at the University of Adelaide 14-15 June, 2011. It is

sponsored by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Change Program.

The meeting is organized by Professor David Lemmings and Professor Ann Brooks.

3. Call for papers

Please submit an abstract of 200 words by 1 February 2011. Completed papers should be

submitted by 15 April 2011. Papers are invited on the following themes:

The history of emotions, especially relating to:

– collective emotions and historical change

– collective identity

– mass emotions and media

– violence

– the body

– crime, the administration of justice and punishment

– gender and social theory

– the state and emotional politics

Papers should not exceed 8,000 words in length. They will be pre-circulated to delegates and

uploaded onto the Collaboratory website. At the meeting abbreviated presentations will be

made by all but the keynote speakers so as to maximise time for discussion. Discussants will

be called for at a later point and further details will be circulated in January 2011.

Abstracts should be submitted to and

4. Keynote speakers

Keynotes will include Professor Barbara Rosewein (Loyola University of Chicago),

Professor Bryan Turner (City University of New York and the University of Western

Sydney), Professor Nicole Eustace (New York University) and Professor Stephen Mennell,

(University College Dublin and the Norbert Elias Foundation).

5. Registration and Accommodation

There will be no formal Registration fee but a charge of AUS$80 will be made to cover the

costs of the Collaboratory dinner. Accommodation details will be provided in January 2011.

David Lemmings and Ann Brooks

Keynote speakers

Stephen Mennell is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at University College Dublin, retiring in 2009.

He read economics at Cambridge (1963-66), and then spent the year 1966-67 in the old Department of

Social Relations at Harvard, before teaching at the University of Exeter (1967-90) and at Monash

University, Australia (1990-93). His books include All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in

England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present (1985), Norbert Elias: Civilization and the

Human Self-Image (1989, paperback Norbert Elias: An Introduction, 1992, 1998), and The American

Civilizing Process (2007). He holds the degrees of Doctor in de Sociale Wetenschappen (Amsterdam)

and Doctor of Letters (Cambridge). He is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and

Sciences, of the Royal Irish Academy, and of the Board of the Norbert Elias Foundation, Amsterdam.

Barbara H. Rosenwein is Professor of History at Loyola University Chicago and visiting professor

at the University of Utrecht (2005), the École Normale Supérieure (2004), and the École des Hautes

Etudes en Sciences Sociales (1992), She received her Ph.D. degree in History from the University of

Chicago. She is author of many articles and has written several books on Cluny, including To Be the

Neighbor of Saint Peter: The Social Meaning of Cluny’s Property, 909-1049 (1989) and Negotiating

Space: Power, Restraint, and Privileges of Immunity in Early Medieval. Europe (1999). On the

subject of emotions, she is (among other things) editor of Anger’s Past: The Social Uses of an

Emotion in the Middle Ages (1998) and author of Emotional Communities in the Early Middle Ages

(2006). She is currently working on a book tentatively entitled Emotions Past: A History, which

argues that the history of emotions is best seen as a succession of “emotional communities”– groups

whose members share standards and norms of emotional expression–some of which recede and others

of which come to the fore (for various reasons) over time.

Nicole Eustace is Associate Professor of History at New York University. She received her B.A.

from Yale University and her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. She is the author of

Passion Is the Gale: Emotion, Power, and the Coming of the American Revolution (UNC Press,

2008). She is currently at work on a study of emotion and political change during the outbreak of the

first declared war in the constitutional United States: American Ardor: The Politics of Passion and

Population in the War of 1812.

Bryan S. Turner is the Presidential Professor of Sociology at the Graduate Center, The City

University of New York , where he is Director of the Committee on Religion, and concurrently the

Director of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies at the University of Western

Sydney. He was previously the Alona Evans Distinguished Visiting Professor at Wellesley College

USA (2009-2010) and has held professorships at Flinders University, Essex University, Deakin

University, the State University of Utrecht, and at the National University of Singapore. He was also a

professorial fellow at Fitzwilliam College and professor of sociology at the University of Cambridge

(1998-2005). He was an Alexander von Humboldt Professorial Fellow at Bielefeld University in

1987. Weber and Islam established his reputation in the sociology of Islam in 1974. More recently he

edited The New Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Religion (2010) and the four volume

Secularization (Sage, 2010). Vulnerability and Human Rights came out in 2006 and Can we live

forever? in 2009.The third edition of The Body and Society came out in 2008 and Religion and

Modern Society; citizenship, secularisation and the state (Cambridge University Press) will appear in

2011. He was the founding editor of Citizenship Studies, Body & Society (with Mike Featherstone)

and Journal of Classical Sociology (with John O’Neill). He is the series editor of Key Issues in

Modern Sociology and Tracts for the Times with Anthem Press, and with Gabriele Marranci he edits

the new series on Muslims in Global Societies for Springer. Professor Turner is a Fellow of the

Australian Academy of the Social Sciences, a member of the American Sociological Research

Association, and was awarded a Doctor of Letters by Cambridge University in 2009.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Damien Boquet (8 janvier 2011). Call for papers – “Norbert Elias, Emotional Styles, and Historical Change” Les émotions au Moyen Âge, carnet d'EMMA. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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