The International Max Planck Research School for Moral Economies of Modern Societies explores ‘moral economies’ by identifying values, emotions and habits that inform and inspire social formations which have emerged since the eighteenth century in Europe, North America, and South Asia. The Research School is a recently established joint international PhD program of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin.
Research and the curriculum focus on the interlocking of new modes of feeling and the definition and justification of new social values.
The IMPRS Moral Economies creates a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment by providing a first-class doctoral education. The tailor-made four-year academic program includes additional seminars, workshops, annual summer/fall schools, guest lectures, and research stays at an associated institution.
Doctoral students are supervised by at least one member of the School’s faculty. During the course of the program, students obtain additional supervision and feedback from the faculty. The IMPRS Moral Economies offers a scholarship covering living expenses, a shared office space and use of the extensive library at the MPI for Human Development, as well as research funds for the dissertation.
The IMPRS Moral Economies enrolls up to six students per academic year. The first cohort of students will commence in October 2013. Highly motivated M. A. (respectively M. Phil.) graduates in history (or a related field), with an outstanding academic record and a strong interest in the relevant topics are encouraged to apply for a doctoral fellowship by 15 December 2012.
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Damien Boquet (8 novembre 2012). New Graduate School in History (Max Planck Institute). Les émotions au Moyen Âge, carnet d'EMMA. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse