Archives de catégorie : Emploi

Offre de poste : Professeur-e assistant-e en études littéraires et émotions (Univ de Genève)

Source : Université de Genève

Professeur-e assistant-e en études littéraires et émotions

Entité organisationnelle
Faculté des lettres
Section / Division
Services communs de la faculté des lettres
Professeur-e assistant-e avec prétitularisation conditionnelle
Code fonction
Classe maximum
Personnel enseignant
Taux d’activité
100 %
Délai d’inscription
Pièce(s) jointe(s)

Description du poste

Le-la professeur-e assistant-e en études littéraires et émotions est nommé-e pour une période de 3 ans; la nomination est renouvelable une fois pour une période de 3 ans au maximum. Le-la professeur-e assistant-e rémunéré-e par des fonds provenant du budget de l’Etat est nommé-e avec prétitularisation conditionnelle. Il-elle est soumis-e à deux évaluations au cours de son mandat en vue de son éventuelle titularisation à la fonction de professeur-e associé-e ou de professeur-e ordinaire.

Ses domaines de recherche et d’enseignement doivent porter sur les relations entre la littérature et les émotions. Une expertise dans le domaine de l’image, fixe ou animée, pourrait être considérée comme un atout.

Ses activités s’inscriront dans le cadre d’un des départements littéraires de la Faculté (départements de langue et littérature françaises, allemandes, anglaises, romanes, méditerranéennes, slaves, orientales ou est-asiatiques) et/ou dans le programme de littérature comparée.

Sa maîtrise orale et écrite de la langue française, ou son souhait de l’apprendre rapidement, est importante, une grande partie des enseignements et des recherches, au sein de l’Université de Genève, s’effectuant dans cette langue. La maîtrise de l’anglais, dans le cadre des séminaires avancés et des projets de recherche, est indispensable.

Titre et compétences exigés

Doctorat ès lettres ou titre jugé équivalent dans le domaine des études littéraires.

Entrée en fonction

1er septembre 2017 ou date à convenir


Informations complémentaires

La candidature et les documents doivent parvenir, exclusivement en ligne, en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous « Postuler/Apply now ».

L’Université de Genève offre des conditions d’engagement motivantes dans un cadre de travail stimulant. En nous rejoignant, vous aurez l’occasion de mettre en valeur vos compétences ainsi que votre personnalité et contribuer activement au rayonnement d’une Institution fondée en 1559.

Dans une perspective de parité, l’Université encourage les candidatures du sexe sous-représenté.

Call for Application: Scholarships for a PhD in History

Source : The International Max Planck Research School for Moral Economies of Modern Societies


The Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin offer six scholarships for a PhD in History at the International Max Planck Research School for Moral Economies of Modern Societies (IMPRS Moral Economies).


The PhD program of the IMPRS Moral Economies supports research projects that investigate the values, emotions, and habits that informed and inspired modern social formations, particularly in Europe, North America, and South Asia. The relationship between modern history of emotions and the development, consolidation and transformation of morals stands at the center of the research focus.


Highly motivated M. A. (respectively M. Phil. or equivalent) graduates in History or a related field (e.g. Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, Literature) with an outstanding academic record and a strong interest in the relevant topics are encouraged to apply.


Application deadline: December 1st, 2014.


Please see  for details regarding the application process and admission. For further queries please contact Monika Freier at


The PhD scholarships will commence on October 1st, 2015. Candidates admitted to the IMPRS Moral Economies receive a monthly grant to cover their living expenses, presently set at 1,365€. The funding is initially for two years, with consecutive extensions up to a maximum of four years, pending successful progress evaluations.


Doctoral or post-doctoral position within the research group FORM UND EMOTION

Source : Form und Emotion

JOB: Doctoral or post-doctoral position within the research group FORM UND EMOTION (DFG, Emmy Noether programme), Mainz
Mainz, Germany
Application deadline: November 12, 2012
The research group „FORM UND EMOTION. Affektive Strukturen in der französischen Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts und ihre soziale Geltung“, sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, offers a doctoral or post-doctoral position. The beginning of employment is immediate or by arrangement. Possibly, the contract could be renewed for one additional year. The salary of the position is based on the standards of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and those of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. Applications by international candidates of all different disciplines in the Humanities aiming to contribute with a research project are welcome. A high ability and motivation for interdisciplinary scientific research, as well as an interest for active participation in the group’s scientific programme are required.
You are invited to submit your detailed CV, an outline of your research project, bibliography included by e-mail (pdf-format) to Dr. Kerstin Thomas (<>), or by post to the address below, by November 12. Writing samples may be requested. Successful candidates will be invited for interviews to Mainz.
Further information on the project is available on our website:

Dr. Kerstin Thomas

Leiterin der
Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe “Form und Emotion”
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Binger Str. 26
55122 Mainz

T.: + 49 (0)6131/ 39-22132
F.: + 49 (0)6131/39-27893<><>

Medicine, Emotion and Disease in History (Studentship 2012-2015)

Source : The Queen Mary Centre for the History of the Emotions

PhD Studentship

Medicine, Emotion and Disease in History

The Centre for the History of the Emotions at Queen Mary, University of London is pleased to

announce a PhD studentship to cover fees and maintenance from 2012 to 2015.

This three-year studentship comprises part of a five-year Wellcome Trust Enhancement Award in the

History of Medicine to fund a research project – ‘Medicine, Emotion and Disease in History’ – which

investigates how theories, experiences, and expressions of passions and emotions have developed in

medical contexts since the sixteenth century.

The studentship is fully funded, providing a generous maintenance grant at the rate paid by the

Wellcome Trust. Fees are also covered by the Wellcome Trust, at the rate for home students. There will

also be access to further funds for travel and research expenses.

The studentship will be awarded to an exceptional candidate proposing to undertake a programme of

doctoral research connected to the aims of the project. Applicants will normally have attained (or

expect to attain by the end of 2011-12) a Masters qualification that will equip them to pursue doctoral

research in this area.

The competition is open to applicants studying any historical period from the 16th century to the



Applicants should apply simultaneously for admission to an appropriate Queen Mary PhD programme.

An application form may be downloaded as a PDF or Word document; and on-line application is also

possible. For further details of how to apply to Queen Mary, see:

Applications should include the following documents:

• Completed application form

• Transcript

• Two References

• Proof of English language ability for overseas applicants from non-English speaking countries

• Curriculum Vitae (CV)

• Research proposal (up to 1,500 words) – outlining research questions and proposed sources, and

explaining how the research will contribute to the aims of the project (see over).

It is intended that applicants wishing also to apply for general Queen Mary and/or AHRC PhD

studentships will be able to use the same materials. See:

All application materials should be sent to: The Admissions and Recruitment Office, Queen Mary

University of London, E1 4NS

Closing Date: 31 January 2012

Applications received after this date will still be considered for admission but will be too late to be

considered for the studentship competition. Short-listed candidates may be invited for interview.

Enquiries should be addressed to the Centre’s Research and Events Officer, Adam Wilkinson (

JOB: Doctoral or post-doctoral positions in the research group FORM UND EMOTION

Source : The HISTORY OF EMOTIONS email list

JOB: Doctoral or post-doctoral positions in the research group FORM UND EMOTION (DFG, Emmy Noether programme), Mainz

Mainz, Germany

Application deadline: January 20, 2012

The research group „FORM UND EMOTION. Affektive Strukturen in der französischen Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts und ihre soziale Geltung“, sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, offers two doctoral or one post-doctoral position beginning from February 2012 for one year and a half. The salary of the position is based on the standards of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and those of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. Applications by international candidates of all different disciplines in the Humanities aiming to contribute with a research project are welcome. A high ability and motivation for interdisciplinary scientific research, as well as an interest for active participation in the group’s scientific programme are required.

Please submit your detailed CV, an outline of your research project, bibliography included by January 20 per e-mail (pdf-format) to Dr. Kerstin Thomas (<>), as well as per post to the address below. Writing samples may be requested. Successful candidates will be invited for interviews to Mainz.

Further information on the project is available on our website:


Dr. Kerstin Thomas

director of the

research group “Form und Emotion”

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Institut für Kunstgeschichte

Binger Str. 26

55122 Mainz

3 post-doctorats en histoire des émotions : appel à candidature

Le “Centre d’excellence pour l’histoire des émotions” (Australie), soutenu par “The Australian Research Council” (ARC), lance un appel à candidature pour 3 post-docs dans le domaine de l’histoire des émotions.

Profils des postes et modalités, voir ci-dessous :

Research_Associate_Historical_Curation_3688 (pdf)

– Research_Associate_Emotions_in_literature_3690 (pdf)

– Research_Associate_Jesuit_Emotions_3689 (pdf)

Ouverture de postes de recherche en histoire des émotions en Australie


The Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions in collaboration with The University of Western Australia, The University of Adelaide, The University of Melbourne, The University of Sydney and The University of Queensland, seeks to appoint nine exceptional postdoctoral researchers to contribute to research projects in the history of emotions in Europe, c. 1100-1800.

The Centre addresses big questions: to what extent are emotions universal? How, and to what extent, are they culturallyconditioned and subject to historical change? What are the causes andconsequences of major episodes of mass emotional experiences? How areemotions created and conveyed through the arts? How does Australia’s emotional heritage influence today’s social and cultural patterns?

The Centre draws on advanced research expertise at five nodes in Australia (the universities of Western Australia, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Queensland), plus research partnerships in the UK, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden. Our approach is strongly interdisciplinary, with researchers spanning the fields of social and cultural history, literature, art history, museology, Latin studies, history of medicine and science, musicology and performance practice.

These prestigious research positions (with additional $16K pa research support) offer an exciting opportunity for innovative and enthusiastic scholars with demonstrated track records in medieval and/or early modern studies and a capacity to engage in interdisciplinary research.
Benefits include 17% superannuation and generous leave provisions. Some relocation allowance for successful applicants will be considered. These and other benefits will be specified in the offer of employment.

The University of Western Australia

· Research Associate (Interpretations and Expressions of Emotion) (Ref: 3449)
For position information go to:

The University of Adelaide
· Research Fellowship in Medieval or Early Modern Europe, (Position number 16567),
· Research Fellowship in the Emotional History of Law, Government and Society in Britain, 1700-1830, (Position number 16568),
For position information go to:


The University of Melbourne
· Research Fellowship in Emotions and Sacred Sites
· Research Fellowship in Texts describing Emotions
For position information and to apply online go to:

The University of Queensland
· Research Fellowships: Reason and the Passions in English Literature, 1500-1800 (2 positions)
For position information go to:


The University of Sydney
· Postdoctoral Research Associate in Emotions related to Suicidal Impulse (Ref 160/0111)
· Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Emotional Responses to Public Death (Ref 161/0111)
For position information and to apply online go to:

Bourses de doctorat au “Centre for the History of the Emotions”

source: Centre for the History of the Emotions


The Queen Mary Centre for the History of the Emotions invites applications for two fully funded PhD studentships starting in September 2011.
Application deadline: 21 February 2011

Medicine, Emotion and Disease in History

This three-year studentship comprises part of a five-year Wellcome Trust Enhancement Award in the History of Medicine to fund a research project – ‘Medicine, Emotion and Disease in History’ – which investigates how theories, experiences, and expressions of passions and emotions have developed in medical contexts since the sixteenth century. The studentship is fully funded, providing a maintenance grant at the rate paid by the Wellcome Trust (starting at £21,629 during 2011-12). Fees are also covered by the Wellcome Trust, at the rate for home students. There will also be access to further funds for travel and research expenses.

Full details and information application available here

Emotions and the Home in Modern Britain

This studentship will cover fees and maintenance (at the AHRC rate, which is currently £15,590) from 2011-2014, starting in September 2011. The project will be co-supervised by staff in the School of Geography (Professor Alison Blunt or Dr Alastair Owens), School of History (Dr Thomas Dixon, Dr Rhodri Hayward, or Professor Amanda Vickery) and the Geffrye Museum (Eleanor John). An appropriate supervisory team will be appointed based on the successful candidate’s exact topic.

Full details and information application available here

Un post-doc en histoire des émotions (Université de Genève)

Source : Institut d’histoire de la médecine (Université de Genève)

Description: The successful applicant will be responsible for a small interdisciplinary focus on the history of the emotional lexicon and on interdisciplinary study of the historical evolution of the theory on the physiology of emotion, in collaboration with the National Center of Competence in Research “Affective Sciences”.

This includes : a) Encouraging communication of researchers by organizing colloquia/workshops, b) initiating publications on the topic of the history of emotions and c) developing high-level disciplinary research activity related to the topic of history of emotion, including submitting applications for external funding.

The applicant should a) be interested in conducting research on the history of emotions, b) possess an openness towards different disciplinary approaches and research methods and c) be motivated to excel in his or her specific research discipline. The successful applicant will be given the opportunity to collaborate internationally and to present the research results at international conferences.

The successful applicant will also be responsible of a teaching program on the history of sport and physical activities in relationship with the psychological and emotional aspects.

Requirements : Candidates must hold a PhD, have good knowledge of the relevant literature and of the appropriate research methods, have an interest and the necessary personality to do interdisciplinary work, have good knowledge of English and French.

Start : review of applications will begin in July 2010 and continue until the position is filled.

Application : candidates must send their applications (letter of interest, CV, and 2 letters of recommendation) by e-mail to :