Source : Routledge
A paraître en mars 2023
Book Description
This book covers a wide range of topics related to honor and shame in European historical societies: history of law and literature, social and ancient history, as well as theoretical contributions on the state of research and the importance of honor and shame in traditional societies.
Honor and shame in Western History brings together 14 texts of interdisciplinary scholars from Europe and North America. It covers a wide range of topics related to honor and shame in historical societies. The contributions cover periods of Western history from Greek and Roman times to the nineteenth century and many of them integrate the concept of a “deep history” of honor and shame in social interaction.
The book is essential for a broad audience interested in social history and the history of emotions.
Table of Contents
Part I: – Honor and Shame: Concepts and Challenges
1. The Unwieldy Phenomenon of Honor
Dagmar Burkhart
2. Shame: A Social Emotion and Its Cultural Concepts in a Historical (European) Perspective
Jörg Wettlaufer
3. Zero-Sum Emotions and Shame-Honor Dynamics
Richard Landes
Part II: Honor and Shame in Traditional European Societies
4. Honor-Shame Dynamics in Late Antiquity: Balance and Control
Jan Frode Hatlen
5. Gregory of Tours on Sichar and Chramnesind
Richard Landes
6. Better to die in honor than to live in shame?: A Comparative Approach to the Literary Dynamics of Honor and Shame in French Chanson de Geste, Romance, and Fabliau (Twelfth to Thirteenth Centuries)
Lisa Sancho
7. The Dynamics of Gender-Specific Honor and Shame in the Middle Ages. The Nibelungenlied as Example
Jutta Eming
8. The Emergence and Social Usage of Shaming Punishments in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries in Northwest European Cities
Jörg Wettlaufer
9. Christian Humility, Papal Humiliations: An Honor-and-Shame Criterion in the Church’s History Grand Narratives
Bénédicte Sère
Part III: Honor and Shame in Modernity
10. Collective Shame in the Modern World: The Case of Blasphemy Laws and Tolerant Sensibilities
David Nash
11. The Culture of American Dueling under Attack: The 1856 Public Beating of an Abolitionist Massachusetts Senator by a South Carolina Congressman
Kenneth S. Greenberg
12. Brought Up with Shame: Trans-Generational Perspectives on Disciplinary Correction in Finland during the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
Satu Lidman
13. Plato, MeToo, the Honorable, and the Others
Hege Dypedokk Johnsen
14. Shame, Modernity, and Postmodernity in Britain
David Nash